Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Week of School - August 18th

I know I'm late this week but Sunday night when I sat down to type, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew I would have to talk about back to school and I wasn't ready to face it even though it was 3 days away! So here I am Wednesday evening, but hey! Give me a break I had to send my baby off to kindergarten!! It's been a little stressful for me!

Here's last weeks re-cap!

It was quite a sad week for me. The last week of summer vacation. Most of the time you hear parents, especially moms, saying "I can't wait for the kids to go back to school!" Not this mom!! I enjoy summer vacation! Last week was a fun week though. The girls had some friends over and played....a lot! My Aunt Debbie who lives in Dallas made a surprise visit to STL. She flew in Wednesday with little Miss Grace who just turned a year on August 10th! She's quit the little cutie! She was a foster baby they have had the joy for caring for since she was three weeks old. I say was because they are in the process of adopting her. And let me just say, the girls LOVE her! She just started walking and we all enjoyed having her for a visit. They are flying out tomorrow (Thursday) and the girls are a little sad. But I told them tonight when they were going to bed, "don't worry, these next three and a half months are going to fly by and before you know it, she will be back visiting for Christmas!" So anyway, we enjoyed a lot of time spent playing with Grace. Friday evening, Dave and I had the "pleasure" of joining some friends at Chuck E Cheese for their daughters birthday. It was just the 8 of us but man.....that place gives me a headache! But what a great place to people watch. I admit, I'm guilty of doing it everywhere! But that place was loaded with all types of different people! And I must say, some strange ones at that. But whatever, it's their lifestyle! Our weekend was semi quite, just doing a few things here and there.

Here's the news for this week.....

I have been dreading this week for the last 4 weeks!!!! I am NOT ready for Kayla to be in kindergarten!!!! I know, she's 5 and growing up but come on I have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner now! No more little ones at home with me. Kayla is so ready though. She wasn't excited about going back to school because she has to get up early. If she could sleep in and go to school around 10 or 11, life would be great!!! She likes going to school and in a way was excited but is not an early morning person like her mommy! Courtney was on the fence too! She was ready to be back in a way but at the same time was really enjoying summer vacation. So our week started off with Early Bird Day on Monday - as long as I didn't think about the fact of Kayla going to kindergarten, I was fine. Made it through just fine. Tuesday we had a fun day at home and the girls got "Back to School Hair Cuts." Big excitement!! :) And here we are on Wednesday. The first day! I must say, I am very proud of myself. I only shed a few tears! None from Kayla, which in a way made me sad but I would much rather have it this way. Dave and I took the girls to school. Our first stop was in Courtney's room....2nd grade. That's a little scary too! We took her in her room and got her settled. I asked for a hug and a kiss and once she noticed everyone else was giving mommy a hug and kiss, she finally gave me one. So there she was in 2nd grade and we were off to drop Kayla off at Kindergarten. Going downstairs to her room I remember telling myself "don't lose it! You'll upset Kayla!" Fighting back the tears, I helped her unpack her back pack and in her room we went. Oh boy, here we go! Kayla looks around and sees friends from Pre-K. She gets a big smile on her face when she sees a few friends. We looked around for something for her to do, trying to decide when the bell rings. Time to sit down at her desk. One last big hug and kiss and off she goes to sit down. That's it! I have to walk away cause I feel the tears starting. I peeked in her room one last time and there she sat smiling and laughing with the other kids. WOW! That's it, it's over with. Now I have to journey back upstairs, sit through chapel, and then go home. Alone. Don't get me wrong there were the times last year were I'd think, next year will be nice but that was because around lunchtime she'd get bored being home with mom all day and want someone to play with. So I actually made it without too many tears! I never really thought I'd want a day to go by quickly but I couldn't wait for 3:15 to come today! I'm happy to report both of the girls had a great first day of school!!! Kayla had several stories to share and even though I'm not ready for this and would much rather have summer vacation, I'm looking forward to a fun year with them! The rest of week is getting back in the swing of things. Friday night, Dave and I have dinner plans. And our weekend is busy!!!! The first of a lot of busy upcoming weekends!!

Until next week, have a great week!!

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