Friday, September 14, 2012


We survived!! I'm so happy to report the girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their new schools. I was pretty certain the change was going to go well for them but there was still lots of nervousness about making the least for me. The first day of school was exciting and long. I think it was the longest day ever. I couldn't wait for the girls to get home and hear about their day. Every thought possible ran through my head all day. I paced the floors waiting. Courtney was the first one home and got off that bus with a HUGE smile on her face!! I asked her how her day was and she responded with "AWESOME!" She talked all night about new friends, the teachers, and the school. Then Kayla came home. She gets off the bus with a HUGE smile on her face too. Her response to asking how her day was "That was great!" At that moment there was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I was so excited to hear all about their day. And to top it off, they were both super excited about going back!! ;)
Now, here we are a month later into the new schools and life around our house has totally changed in so many ways. It's been AMAZING!! The girls LOVE their schools. They are excited about going to school again, getting awesome grades, have made a ton of new friends, and the most amazing thing of all.....the stress level in this house has dropped BIG TIME!! I can not get over how easy going, laid back, stress-free, and relaxing the mornings and evenings are around here now. It's so wonderful. The girls get themselves ready in the mornings, get their little bits of homework done in the evening, and are keeping up with everything else without me reminding them all the time. They are so happy and relaxed. And the change in homework load has been AWESOME!! The focus on classroom learning and less homework has been an adjustment for all of us but it has been really nice.
We couldn't be happier with where things are at right now. Life is good and all the big changes recently are paying off. Here's to hoping our journey continues to be this fun and exciting. :)