Here's last weeks re-cap!
Well, let's see. I successfully made it through the first 3 days of the girls being back to school. What a stressful week it was. They both did wonderful going back and we had no problems! At least with the girls, mom on the other hand was an emotional wreck! I even started to cry Thursday when I took my Aunt to the airport. My emotions were all over the place. Anyway, besides all the tears, we had a great week. Friday night we had a dinner and dessert event to attend. It was a lot of fun and nice to get out for the evening after the emotional week!! Our weekend ended up being pretty busy. And then it was the start of the first full week of school! Our true test to see how things will go.
Here's the news for this week.....
OMG!! Welcome back to the reality of life with kids in school!! This week is crazy!!! My calendar is overflowing - the point, I'm writing things at the top so everything is written down. I know I seem to have that problem recently. Remembering. If it's not written down, there's a 95% chance that I will forget! So, I've learned to write everything and I mean everything down! It's even written day everyday at 3:15pm in my planner - "Pick Up the Girls." I can't even begin to explain this week. My main focus will be trying to get us all back on a school schedule and bedtime routine. But Tuesday - drop Grandma off at the airport, having running around to do. Wednesday - a long list of things to do. Thursday - another list and the PTP Back to School meeting. Friday - Are we leaving for the so! I have no clue! Thank goddness for a 3 day weekend!!!!!! Now our big question is stay in town and do fun family stuff or go to the Farm. Surprisingly Dave is off Thursday - Monday!! It's shocking and I don't know how we are all going to handle this!! So we are trying to decide stay home and do fun family things all weekend or go the Farm with everyone. I'm leaning towards staying home and doing fun stuff! I guess stay tuned and you will find out what our exciting Labor Day Weekend involved!! I know I am ready to relax and enjoy sometime down time!! September is busy, October is crazy, November is insane and December....well let's just not start there yet!! ;)
Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
First Day of School Pics
Thought I'd share some pics from the girls first day of school. They had a great first 3 days. There are more pics from over the summer and the first day of school on our website, Enjoy!!

The girls getting ready to head off to the First Day of School. August 20th, 2008
Kayla's first day of Kindergarten!
Courtney's first day of 2nd Grade!
Check out the other pics on our website and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Week of School - August 18th
I know I'm late this week but Sunday night when I sat down to type, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew I would have to talk about back to school and I wasn't ready to face it even though it was 3 days away! So here I am Wednesday evening, but hey! Give me a break I had to send my baby off to kindergarten!! It's been a little stressful for me!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
It was quite a sad week for me. The last week of summer vacation. Most of the time you hear parents, especially moms, saying "I can't wait for the kids to go back to school!" Not this mom!! I enjoy summer vacation! Last week was a fun week though. The girls had some friends over and played....a lot! My Aunt Debbie who lives in Dallas made a surprise visit to STL. She flew in Wednesday with little Miss Grace who just turned a year on August 10th! She's quit the little cutie! She was a foster baby they have had the joy for caring for since she was three weeks old. I say was because they are in the process of adopting her. And let me just say, the girls LOVE her! She just started walking and we all enjoyed having her for a visit. They are flying out tomorrow (Thursday) and the girls are a little sad. But I told them tonight when they were going to bed, "don't worry, these next three and a half months are going to fly by and before you know it, she will be back visiting for Christmas!" So anyway, we enjoyed a lot of time spent playing with Grace. Friday evening, Dave and I had the "pleasure" of joining some friends at Chuck E Cheese for their daughters birthday. It was just the 8 of us but man.....that place gives me a headache! But what a great place to people watch. I admit, I'm guilty of doing it everywhere! But that place was loaded with all types of different people! And I must say, some strange ones at that. But whatever, it's their lifestyle! Our weekend was semi quite, just doing a few things here and there.
Here's the news for this week.....
I have been dreading this week for the last 4 weeks!!!! I am NOT ready for Kayla to be in kindergarten!!!! I know, she's 5 and growing up but come on I have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner now! No more little ones at home with me. Kayla is so ready though. She wasn't excited about going back to school because she has to get up early. If she could sleep in and go to school around 10 or 11, life would be great!!! She likes going to school and in a way was excited but is not an early morning person like her mommy! Courtney was on the fence too! She was ready to be back in a way but at the same time was really enjoying summer vacation. So our week started off with Early Bird Day on Monday - as long as I didn't think about the fact of Kayla going to kindergarten, I was fine. Made it through just fine. Tuesday we had a fun day at home and the girls got "Back to School Hair Cuts." Big excitement!! :) And here we are on Wednesday. The first day! I must say, I am very proud of myself. I only shed a few tears! None from Kayla, which in a way made me sad but I would much rather have it this way. Dave and I took the girls to school. Our first stop was in Courtney's room....2nd grade. That's a little scary too! We took her in her room and got her settled. I asked for a hug and a kiss and once she noticed everyone else was giving mommy a hug and kiss, she finally gave me one. So there she was in 2nd grade and we were off to drop Kayla off at Kindergarten. Going downstairs to her room I remember telling myself "don't lose it! You'll upset Kayla!" Fighting back the tears, I helped her unpack her back pack and in her room we went. Oh boy, here we go! Kayla looks around and sees friends from Pre-K. She gets a big smile on her face when she sees a few friends. We looked around for something for her to do, trying to decide when the bell rings. Time to sit down at her desk. One last big hug and kiss and off she goes to sit down. That's it! I have to walk away cause I feel the tears starting. I peeked in her room one last time and there she sat smiling and laughing with the other kids. WOW! That's it, it's over with. Now I have to journey back upstairs, sit through chapel, and then go home. Alone. Don't get me wrong there were the times last year were I'd think, next year will be nice but that was because around lunchtime she'd get bored being home with mom all day and want someone to play with. So I actually made it without too many tears! I never really thought I'd want a day to go by quickly but I couldn't wait for 3:15 to come today! I'm happy to report both of the girls had a great first day of school!!! Kayla had several stories to share and even though I'm not ready for this and would much rather have summer vacation, I'm looking forward to a fun year with them! The rest of week is getting back in the swing of things. Friday night, Dave and I have dinner plans. And our weekend is busy!!!! The first of a lot of busy upcoming weekends!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
It was quite a sad week for me. The last week of summer vacation. Most of the time you hear parents, especially moms, saying "I can't wait for the kids to go back to school!" Not this mom!! I enjoy summer vacation! Last week was a fun week though. The girls had some friends over and played....a lot! My Aunt Debbie who lives in Dallas made a surprise visit to STL. She flew in Wednesday with little Miss Grace who just turned a year on August 10th! She's quit the little cutie! She was a foster baby they have had the joy for caring for since she was three weeks old. I say was because they are in the process of adopting her. And let me just say, the girls LOVE her! She just started walking and we all enjoyed having her for a visit. They are flying out tomorrow (Thursday) and the girls are a little sad. But I told them tonight when they were going to bed, "don't worry, these next three and a half months are going to fly by and before you know it, she will be back visiting for Christmas!" So anyway, we enjoyed a lot of time spent playing with Grace. Friday evening, Dave and I had the "pleasure" of joining some friends at Chuck E Cheese for their daughters birthday. It was just the 8 of us but man.....that place gives me a headache! But what a great place to people watch. I admit, I'm guilty of doing it everywhere! But that place was loaded with all types of different people! And I must say, some strange ones at that. But whatever, it's their lifestyle! Our weekend was semi quite, just doing a few things here and there.
Here's the news for this week.....
I have been dreading this week for the last 4 weeks!!!! I am NOT ready for Kayla to be in kindergarten!!!! I know, she's 5 and growing up but come on I have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner now! No more little ones at home with me. Kayla is so ready though. She wasn't excited about going back to school because she has to get up early. If she could sleep in and go to school around 10 or 11, life would be great!!! She likes going to school and in a way was excited but is not an early morning person like her mommy! Courtney was on the fence too! She was ready to be back in a way but at the same time was really enjoying summer vacation. So our week started off with Early Bird Day on Monday - as long as I didn't think about the fact of Kayla going to kindergarten, I was fine. Made it through just fine. Tuesday we had a fun day at home and the girls got "Back to School Hair Cuts." Big excitement!! :) And here we are on Wednesday. The first day! I must say, I am very proud of myself. I only shed a few tears! None from Kayla, which in a way made me sad but I would much rather have it this way. Dave and I took the girls to school. Our first stop was in Courtney's room....2nd grade. That's a little scary too! We took her in her room and got her settled. I asked for a hug and a kiss and once she noticed everyone else was giving mommy a hug and kiss, she finally gave me one. So there she was in 2nd grade and we were off to drop Kayla off at Kindergarten. Going downstairs to her room I remember telling myself "don't lose it! You'll upset Kayla!" Fighting back the tears, I helped her unpack her back pack and in her room we went. Oh boy, here we go! Kayla looks around and sees friends from Pre-K. She gets a big smile on her face when she sees a few friends. We looked around for something for her to do, trying to decide when the bell rings. Time to sit down at her desk. One last big hug and kiss and off she goes to sit down. That's it! I have to walk away cause I feel the tears starting. I peeked in her room one last time and there she sat smiling and laughing with the other kids. WOW! That's it, it's over with. Now I have to journey back upstairs, sit through chapel, and then go home. Alone. Don't get me wrong there were the times last year were I'd think, next year will be nice but that was because around lunchtime she'd get bored being home with mom all day and want someone to play with. So I actually made it without too many tears! I never really thought I'd want a day to go by quickly but I couldn't wait for 3:15 to come today! I'm happy to report both of the girls had a great first day of school!!! Kayla had several stories to share and even though I'm not ready for this and would much rather have summer vacation, I'm looking forward to a fun year with them! The rest of week is getting back in the swing of things. Friday night, Dave and I have dinner plans. And our weekend is busy!!!! The first of a lot of busy upcoming weekends!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our Last Week of Summer Vacation - 8/11/08
Here's last weeks re-cap!
This week turned out to be pretty uneventful. It was my dad's second week of vacation and they were off to the Farm. The girls went along while I stayed behind at home. So while it was quite around here, I sure got a lot of work done!! It was a nice little break giving me the chance to relax and work peacefully!! So there's not too much to report from last week other than the girls had a blast at the Farm!
Here's the news for this week.....
Here we are...headed into the last full week of summer vacation! Unbelievable!! I'm very sad about this and am NOT looking forward to the girls going back to school. So this week I'm hoping to squeeze in some last minute fun things to do. Looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice! Other than that, not much on the calendar with specific times on things to do. Kind of a quick posting this week but it's a quite two weeks.....until next week when everything goes back to being crazy again!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
This week turned out to be pretty uneventful. It was my dad's second week of vacation and they were off to the Farm. The girls went along while I stayed behind at home. So while it was quite around here, I sure got a lot of work done!! It was a nice little break giving me the chance to relax and work peacefully!! So there's not too much to report from last week other than the girls had a blast at the Farm!
Here's the news for this week.....
Here we are...headed into the last full week of summer vacation! Unbelievable!! I'm very sad about this and am NOT looking forward to the girls going back to school. So this week I'm hoping to squeeze in some last minute fun things to do. Looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice! Other than that, not much on the calendar with specific times on things to do. Kind of a quick posting this week but it's a quite two weeks.....until next week when everything goes back to being crazy again!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Our week of August 4th, 2008
Here's last weeks re-cap!
This past week was suppose to be a fun, stress-free week. It was the first of my dad's two weeks of vacation. Our week started off Monday learning that one of my brother Scotty's friends was killed in a car accident. I've wrote another blog about that, it's not something I want to get into here on our weekly updates. But needless to say it was a difficult week. We did manage to have some fun and enjoy some family time together. Tuesday was Dave's birthday, we all went to Tee Time (after a trip to find that the Children's Aquarium has MOVED!!) and enjoyed the hot weather while we did golf, bumper boats, and go-carts. We celebrated later in the evening and went out to dinner and had cookie cake with Grandma. Wednesday was suppose to be an afternoon and evening at MO Botanical Gardens but thanks to some rain, that didn't happen! So we picked grandma up and went down to Crown Candy for dinner. The girls had a lot of fun seeing all of the old stuff and were in heaven with all the candy around. Thursday and Friday we stayed home for the most part and hung out. We did do some back to school shopping on Friday since it was the start of the tax free back to school shopping weekend!! Friday Chic Boutique started bringing out the fall and winter clothes. But not everything was ready as not as much work got done as I thought was going to. But it's a work in progress. Our weekend was on and off.
Here's the news for this week.....
Here we are the first full week in August! Where did the summer go because I feel like the girls just got out of school!! Not sure where this week is going to go. My parents are heading to the farm on Tuesday. They want the girls to come up. I would love to go and get away for a couple of days but really don't want to go Tuesday - Sunday as I have a lot I need to do this week, not much got done with Chic Boutique last week. Not to mention there are other things I wanted to do this week. So we will see what is decided. There are somethings going on throughout the week if we are here that I want to do. As we only have two weeks left! :( So we will see what happens.
Until next week, have a great week!!
This past week was suppose to be a fun, stress-free week. It was the first of my dad's two weeks of vacation. Our week started off Monday learning that one of my brother Scotty's friends was killed in a car accident. I've wrote another blog about that, it's not something I want to get into here on our weekly updates. But needless to say it was a difficult week. We did manage to have some fun and enjoy some family time together. Tuesday was Dave's birthday, we all went to Tee Time (after a trip to find that the Children's Aquarium has MOVED!!) and enjoyed the hot weather while we did golf, bumper boats, and go-carts. We celebrated later in the evening and went out to dinner and had cookie cake with Grandma. Wednesday was suppose to be an afternoon and evening at MO Botanical Gardens but thanks to some rain, that didn't happen! So we picked grandma up and went down to Crown Candy for dinner. The girls had a lot of fun seeing all of the old stuff and were in heaven with all the candy around. Thursday and Friday we stayed home for the most part and hung out. We did do some back to school shopping on Friday since it was the start of the tax free back to school shopping weekend!! Friday Chic Boutique started bringing out the fall and winter clothes. But not everything was ready as not as much work got done as I thought was going to. But it's a work in progress. Our weekend was on and off.
Here's the news for this week.....
Here we are the first full week in August! Where did the summer go because I feel like the girls just got out of school!! Not sure where this week is going to go. My parents are heading to the farm on Tuesday. They want the girls to come up. I would love to go and get away for a couple of days but really don't want to go Tuesday - Sunday as I have a lot I need to do this week, not much got done with Chic Boutique last week. Not to mention there are other things I wanted to do this week. So we will see what is decided. There are somethings going on throughout the week if we are here that I want to do. As we only have two weeks left! :( So we will see what happens.
Until next week, have a great week!!
Wondering why.....
So here's my rambling on the young age of 23 Scotty has lost more friends than most people in their 50's have. Torre was #6. One of these people was a girl he went to grade school and high school with who died of cancer. While he wasn't really close to her, it was still someone he knew. However, this one really hit him hard and seemed to hit home more.
All of this started his junior year in high school, (October of 2001) his very close friend Brian along with two others were killed in a car accident. Some may remember hearing about this on the news. Brian along with many other students from South were headed to Columbia, MO to cheer on the girls softball team who were playing in the State Championship game. On the way, there was the accident. And while I choose to leave out a lot of details here, it was a very hard time. Brian along with two others died and 1 person survived. While this was a very hard time and difficult, it was even harder because my grandpa had passed away just a month prior to this accident. That was something we were all still trying to coop with.
My grandpa died September 8th 2001. His wake was on September 11th, 2001. It was a very difficult day to begin with but to wake up that morning and hear the news of planes crashing into buildings made the day even more difficult.
Since 2001, Scotty has experienced more death than I have. There was my grandpa, the three from the car accident. In March of 2003, my grandma passed away. Then came the girl who died of cancer. (And by the way, I'm leaving their names out because I don't feel right posting their names) Next came another friend killed in a car accident. And now Torre.
I've struggled with this one myself. Torre was the type of guy who seemed to always be full of life, have a smile on his face, and having a good time. Why him? While I hadn't seen him in a while, I remember him coming around often. I think knowing Scotty has gone through this so many times, it broke my heart to see him go through it again. Not that any of the other ones were any easier but with each one, the older wounds are opened again and you relive all of them all over again in a way.
This has really got me to thinking this week at how precious life really is. Everything can change in a matter of a second. Torre was an only child and I can't even imagine what his parents are going through. I don't think I really thought about it before with Brian being a new mom at the time, I didn't start thinking about yourself or child. But things at that time are kind of foggy any way since so much went on. But this time, not only was I thinking about Scotty and how he would make it through this again but about Torre's family and then about myself and the girls. I know it sounds selfish to be thinking about myself and the girls but I really started thinking this week, how does a person get through something like this and how do you go on?
I started thinking about everyone in my life, everyone that I love. While no one person is more important than the other, I have really started thinking about Scotty. He's my little brother. He's a pain in the ass most of the time. But I don't know what I'd do without his smart mouth and his love for hunting. Courtney is the tomboy she is today mostly because of him. My Dad and other brother Bobby have a part to play in that too but Scotty started it all. He had her playing hunting computer games at a year and a half. Courtney is very close to Scotty and I can't even begin to think what she would do without him.
The one thing that really scares me about him is his drinking and driving. I just wish that he'd get CANNOT do it!! I know I can't make him stop but I wish he'd understand that it can happen to anyone. Every night this past week I have gone to bed thanking God for him being safe and praying that something clicks in his head and he will understand. I know there's nothing I can really do at this point other than continue to be there, pray, and hope. Not only for Scotty but for his other friends because I don't want to see him go through this ever again!!! It's too much for one person to handle or understand.
It's been hard struggling with all the "why" questions. I know that we will never know why which is something that makes it even harder. But at this point, it is comforting to know, Torre is in heaven with Brian and the others. They are all there together and will be watching over Scotty. I know I'm being selfish but I pray for them to be his guardian angel and that they help guide Scotty in his life and the choices he makes, after all he has many guardian angels now. I want him around to put up with for a long time.
So at this time, while I continue to pray for healing for Scotty and Torre's family, I'm also very thankful for all the loved ones, both family and friends that I have in my life. After all, everyone plays their special part in this world and has their own gifts. We have to be thankful for today, look forward to the gift of tomorrow, and enjoy every memory we make with those that we love.
All of this started his junior year in high school, (October of 2001) his very close friend Brian along with two others were killed in a car accident. Some may remember hearing about this on the news. Brian along with many other students from South were headed to Columbia, MO to cheer on the girls softball team who were playing in the State Championship game. On the way, there was the accident. And while I choose to leave out a lot of details here, it was a very hard time. Brian along with two others died and 1 person survived. While this was a very hard time and difficult, it was even harder because my grandpa had passed away just a month prior to this accident. That was something we were all still trying to coop with.
My grandpa died September 8th 2001. His wake was on September 11th, 2001. It was a very difficult day to begin with but to wake up that morning and hear the news of planes crashing into buildings made the day even more difficult.
Since 2001, Scotty has experienced more death than I have. There was my grandpa, the three from the car accident. In March of 2003, my grandma passed away. Then came the girl who died of cancer. (And by the way, I'm leaving their names out because I don't feel right posting their names) Next came another friend killed in a car accident. And now Torre.
I've struggled with this one myself. Torre was the type of guy who seemed to always be full of life, have a smile on his face, and having a good time. Why him? While I hadn't seen him in a while, I remember him coming around often. I think knowing Scotty has gone through this so many times, it broke my heart to see him go through it again. Not that any of the other ones were any easier but with each one, the older wounds are opened again and you relive all of them all over again in a way.
This has really got me to thinking this week at how precious life really is. Everything can change in a matter of a second. Torre was an only child and I can't even imagine what his parents are going through. I don't think I really thought about it before with Brian being a new mom at the time, I didn't start thinking about yourself or child. But things at that time are kind of foggy any way since so much went on. But this time, not only was I thinking about Scotty and how he would make it through this again but about Torre's family and then about myself and the girls. I know it sounds selfish to be thinking about myself and the girls but I really started thinking this week, how does a person get through something like this and how do you go on?
I started thinking about everyone in my life, everyone that I love. While no one person is more important than the other, I have really started thinking about Scotty. He's my little brother. He's a pain in the ass most of the time. But I don't know what I'd do without his smart mouth and his love for hunting. Courtney is the tomboy she is today mostly because of him. My Dad and other brother Bobby have a part to play in that too but Scotty started it all. He had her playing hunting computer games at a year and a half. Courtney is very close to Scotty and I can't even begin to think what she would do without him.
The one thing that really scares me about him is his drinking and driving. I just wish that he'd get CANNOT do it!! I know I can't make him stop but I wish he'd understand that it can happen to anyone. Every night this past week I have gone to bed thanking God for him being safe and praying that something clicks in his head and he will understand. I know there's nothing I can really do at this point other than continue to be there, pray, and hope. Not only for Scotty but for his other friends because I don't want to see him go through this ever again!!! It's too much for one person to handle or understand.
It's been hard struggling with all the "why" questions. I know that we will never know why which is something that makes it even harder. But at this point, it is comforting to know, Torre is in heaven with Brian and the others. They are all there together and will be watching over Scotty. I know I'm being selfish but I pray for them to be his guardian angel and that they help guide Scotty in his life and the choices he makes, after all he has many guardian angels now. I want him around to put up with for a long time.
So at this time, while I continue to pray for healing for Scotty and Torre's family, I'm also very thankful for all the loved ones, both family and friends that I have in my life. After all, everyone plays their special part in this world and has their own gifts. We have to be thankful for today, look forward to the gift of tomorrow, and enjoy every memory we make with those that we love.
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