Here's last weeks re-cap!
Another semi quite week!! It was a great week even though it seemed to rain quite a bit. The girls and I spent a little time in the pool early in the week but not as much as Courtney would have liked to....thanks to the rain and chilly weather for July. Wednesday Dave and I took the girls to see The Bee Movie, the free movie of the week. It was really cute and we enjoyed it. The rest of our week was pretty simple and I was able to get a lot done on my things to do list that seems to be never ending these days. Friday night I got together with a couple of mom's from Courtney's class. It was a nice evening out and fun to have some "adult" time. Our weekend was on and off with stuff....nothing too eventful. The girls got to have some play time at the Little Gym on Sunday with girls from Courtney's class. They had a great time, I had never been there before and they seem to have a great program set up.
Here's the news for this week.....
This week is going to be more eventful than the last two weeks. Chic Boutique's summer clearance sale continues and the fall/winter line starts to come out on Friday so there will be a lot of time spent working on the Boutique this week. Tuesday is Dave's birthday.....the girls want to take him to the MO Botanical Gardens so I think we will spend some time there and then see where else the day takes us. My dad starts his two weeks of vacation so there are some things my parents are wanting to do with the girls so we will see what the days ahead bring. This upcoming weekend is shaping up to be pretty busy!! First it's the tax-free weekend!! So there will be a lot of back to school shopping done. Baseball tickets for Sunday which is Build A Bear Day and then the next thing we know it will be Monday and we will be starting the first week of August!! Where do the days go?? I can't believe summer is almost over and school starts in 3 and a half weeks! :( I'm not looking forward to it at all! I'm actually very sad about it.
Until next week, have a great week!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
July 21st - Our Week
Here's last weeks re-cap!
My first not so busy week of the summer! I actually got to enjoy some time in the pool! Very much needed I must say too. Not a whole lot to was an uneventful week. Sure wish I had more of those to look forward to but oh well! :) I love keeping busy, I stay out of trouble that way!!! ;) Our weekend was actually pretty quite also! And that's very unusual. We had a birthday dinner for my Grandma here on Sunday night which was fun! We did a little swimming and hung out with the family.
Here's the news for this week.....
This week starts off with Chic Boutique's summer clearence sale starting! I'm hoping for a busy week with that! Check it out, all clothes are 25% off, But other than that, it's looking like another week of busy work with the Boutique and around house! Along with a lot of time spent out in the pool!! We are thinking about taking the girls to The Bee Movie on Wednesday. The girls are wanting to have some friends over so hopefully we will be able to do that also this week. I'm going to enjoy my "down time" right now cause things are going to start getting crazy again come August when it's back to school. Then comes September which is always busy, then we are into October when the calendar really starts to fill up. Next thing you know it's November and OMG the holidays are here because November will fly by and then Santa will be here!! And as fast as Santa comes, he leaves and we are yelling Happy New Year and it's 2009!!! Okay....I think I just completely stressed myself out!! Christmas is 5 months and 4 days away!! Oh no! I'm not ready to handle all of this, I just wanted a vaction for a little while.....time to go make a drink! Oops, I'm suppose to be giving my liver a break. Humm....okay so a drink of water here I come!
Until next week, have a great week!!
My first not so busy week of the summer! I actually got to enjoy some time in the pool! Very much needed I must say too. Not a whole lot to was an uneventful week. Sure wish I had more of those to look forward to but oh well! :) I love keeping busy, I stay out of trouble that way!!! ;) Our weekend was actually pretty quite also! And that's very unusual. We had a birthday dinner for my Grandma here on Sunday night which was fun! We did a little swimming and hung out with the family.
Here's the news for this week.....
This week starts off with Chic Boutique's summer clearence sale starting! I'm hoping for a busy week with that! Check it out, all clothes are 25% off, But other than that, it's looking like another week of busy work with the Boutique and around house! Along with a lot of time spent out in the pool!! We are thinking about taking the girls to The Bee Movie on Wednesday. The girls are wanting to have some friends over so hopefully we will be able to do that also this week. I'm going to enjoy my "down time" right now cause things are going to start getting crazy again come August when it's back to school. Then comes September which is always busy, then we are into October when the calendar really starts to fill up. Next thing you know it's November and OMG the holidays are here because November will fly by and then Santa will be here!! And as fast as Santa comes, he leaves and we are yelling Happy New Year and it's 2009!!! Okay....I think I just completely stressed myself out!! Christmas is 5 months and 4 days away!! Oh no! I'm not ready to handle all of this, I just wanted a vaction for a little while.....time to go make a drink! Oops, I'm suppose to be giving my liver a break. Humm....okay so a drink of water here I come!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Funny Pic
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Here's to this week....July 14th, 2008
Here's last weeks re-cap!
So here we are....another week behind us and another week closer to school starting. :( This summer is going by so quickly and I'm very sad that in 5 weeks school will be starting! Sure wish summer vacation was longer. Anyway, our week was really nice. Kind of quite with not a whole lot going on. Got a lot of stuff done that I had been putting off. The girls and I were really bummed....the pool water was having "issues" and decided to turn green so we didn't get to do any swimming. Now after vacuuming the pool every day and dumping a ton of chemicals in it, it looks a lot better so I think we will be spending a lot of time in there for the rest of the summer!! Our beer & brats party bus we went on Saturday night was a lot of fun!! We went to The Fireman's Picnic in Milstadt and had a great time. Everything was cheap over there and I'd recommend watching for it next year. There's a lot of rides and the kids would have a blast. As long as you can handle the rednecks! :)
Here's the news for this week.....
This week is on and off, but looks like it's shaping up to be a busy one again. My plan is to spend some time in the pool everyday though! The girls love it and I would much rather be swimming laps than working out downstairs. Much to my surprise our Saturday night is open as of right now. It's the first open Saturday since April 19th...believe that or not!!! That's insane! I looked back at the calendar and every Saturday in June and May had something going on in the evening. Our Saturday this week might not stay like that and I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself if it stays that way. We have a few things going on during the day but other than that nothing too exciting this week. I've decided to give my liver a break!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
So here we are....another week behind us and another week closer to school starting. :( This summer is going by so quickly and I'm very sad that in 5 weeks school will be starting! Sure wish summer vacation was longer. Anyway, our week was really nice. Kind of quite with not a whole lot going on. Got a lot of stuff done that I had been putting off. The girls and I were really bummed....the pool water was having "issues" and decided to turn green so we didn't get to do any swimming. Now after vacuuming the pool every day and dumping a ton of chemicals in it, it looks a lot better so I think we will be spending a lot of time in there for the rest of the summer!! Our beer & brats party bus we went on Saturday night was a lot of fun!! We went to The Fireman's Picnic in Milstadt and had a great time. Everything was cheap over there and I'd recommend watching for it next year. There's a lot of rides and the kids would have a blast. As long as you can handle the rednecks! :)
Here's the news for this week.....
This week is on and off, but looks like it's shaping up to be a busy one again. My plan is to spend some time in the pool everyday though! The girls love it and I would much rather be swimming laps than working out downstairs. Much to my surprise our Saturday night is open as of right now. It's the first open Saturday since April 19th...believe that or not!!! That's insane! I looked back at the calendar and every Saturday in June and May had something going on in the evening. Our Saturday this week might not stay like that and I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself if it stays that way. We have a few things going on during the day but other than that nothing too exciting this week. I've decided to give my liver a break!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yes, I know!! It took me a while to get the pictures up but I finally have pictures from Courtney's birthday parties, the Baseball game we took the girls to, and some random pics of the girls recently up for your viewing pleasure.
Check them out in the photo gallery! Show 'em some love and let us know what you think!!
This Week ~ July 7th, 2008
Here's last weeks re-cap!
The 4th of July has come and gone! After a stressful and very busy week, I enjoyed a very quite and relaxing weekend!! The girls left on Thursday and went to the farm with my parents. I was a little disappointed at first when they wanted to go. I was looking forward to taking them to the parade downtown since the weather was going to be so nice and enjoy the day. And then top the night off with fireworks! But instead it was quite around here. It was kinda nice especially after the insane week I had. Nothing too exciting just normal stuff. Dave and my weekend ended with going to a pool party Saturday night which was a lot of fun. I wasn't too sure what to expect going and wasn't really in the mood to swim. But we went and had a blast. A good enough time that we didn't leave until their house until 2:00am!!!
Here's the news for this week.....
I must say, this week looks a little more uneventful than the recent weeks. Even though I'm sure as the week gets started our days will start to fill up. I'm hoping to get a few things done with the Boutique, I have some PTP stuff to finish up for school, and I'd like to enjoy some time at the pool and do something fun with the girls! So we will see how it goes. Our weekend is a little full....again!! Dave and I have yet another Dinner party to go to Saturday night. This should be a lot of fun! We purchased it at the school auction and there's 20 couples boarding a bus (beer & brats included!) and heading out to a picnic. Should be yet another late night but full of good times, great memories, and fun friends!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
By the way...NEW pictures are finally up!! Lots of cute ones, check them out in our photo gallery!!!
The 4th of July has come and gone! After a stressful and very busy week, I enjoyed a very quite and relaxing weekend!! The girls left on Thursday and went to the farm with my parents. I was a little disappointed at first when they wanted to go. I was looking forward to taking them to the parade downtown since the weather was going to be so nice and enjoy the day. And then top the night off with fireworks! But instead it was quite around here. It was kinda nice especially after the insane week I had. Nothing too exciting just normal stuff. Dave and my weekend ended with going to a pool party Saturday night which was a lot of fun. I wasn't too sure what to expect going and wasn't really in the mood to swim. But we went and had a blast. A good enough time that we didn't leave until their house until 2:00am!!!
Here's the news for this week.....
I must say, this week looks a little more uneventful than the recent weeks. Even though I'm sure as the week gets started our days will start to fill up. I'm hoping to get a few things done with the Boutique, I have some PTP stuff to finish up for school, and I'd like to enjoy some time at the pool and do something fun with the girls! So we will see how it goes. Our weekend is a little full....again!! Dave and I have yet another Dinner party to go to Saturday night. This should be a lot of fun! We purchased it at the school auction and there's 20 couples boarding a bus (beer & brats included!) and heading out to a picnic. Should be yet another late night but full of good times, great memories, and fun friends!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
By the way...NEW pictures are finally up!! Lots of cute ones, check them out in our photo gallery!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The 1st week of July!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
It's hard to believe it was the last week of June. The summer seems to be flying by way too fast. We had a lot of things going on last week. But I think the highlight of the week for the girls was going to see High School Musical at the Muny. The girls loved it, I however was not very impressed with it and must say I was a little disappointed. I normally enjoy most of the shows I go to at the Muny but for some reason this one just was not very well done. I thought the acting was not very good....sorry to say. Sometimes the parts were over acted and other times it was very....humm....I guess almost along the lines of being an air head. Anyway, I didn't care for it too much but the girls had fun and that's all the matters! We also went to the Fireworks displays at both Delmar Gardens and JB. They both were very entertaining and the girls had fun. Our weekend ended with going to a Wine and Cheese Party Saturday night. That was a lot of fun!! The girls stayed with a baby sitter for the first time and made it with no problems. Not that I would expect any problems at this age but you never know. :)
Here's the news for this week.....
It's the 1st week of July!! The weather isn't hot yet! I can't believe this crazy weather we are having. I wish it would get hotter so we could be swimming more! This week is a very busy one despite it being a holiday week. The girls are leaving Thursday to go to the Farm with my parents for the 4th of July weekend. Having mixed feelings about this. I know they really want to go, they will have alot of fun, and I'm excited to enjoy some quite time alone however I'm bummed they won't be here to go to the parade and do fireworks with. :( I guess there's always next year! I have a couple meetings scheduled and some work to be doing with Chic Boutique. We also have birthday parties to attend and a few other things going on. Another busy week. But next week looks a little more peaceful and less busy. Hopefully it will get hot so we can do some swimming!!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Pictures are being posted tomorrow!
It's hard to believe it was the last week of June. The summer seems to be flying by way too fast. We had a lot of things going on last week. But I think the highlight of the week for the girls was going to see High School Musical at the Muny. The girls loved it, I however was not very impressed with it and must say I was a little disappointed. I normally enjoy most of the shows I go to at the Muny but for some reason this one just was not very well done. I thought the acting was not very good....sorry to say. Sometimes the parts were over acted and other times it was very....humm....I guess almost along the lines of being an air head. Anyway, I didn't care for it too much but the girls had fun and that's all the matters! We also went to the Fireworks displays at both Delmar Gardens and JB. They both were very entertaining and the girls had fun. Our weekend ended with going to a Wine and Cheese Party Saturday night. That was a lot of fun!! The girls stayed with a baby sitter for the first time and made it with no problems. Not that I would expect any problems at this age but you never know. :)
Here's the news for this week.....
It's the 1st week of July!! The weather isn't hot yet! I can't believe this crazy weather we are having. I wish it would get hotter so we could be swimming more! This week is a very busy one despite it being a holiday week. The girls are leaving Thursday to go to the Farm with my parents for the 4th of July weekend. Having mixed feelings about this. I know they really want to go, they will have alot of fun, and I'm excited to enjoy some quite time alone however I'm bummed they won't be here to go to the parade and do fireworks with. :( I guess there's always next year! I have a couple meetings scheduled and some work to be doing with Chic Boutique. We also have birthday parties to attend and a few other things going on. Another busy week. But next week looks a little more peaceful and less busy. Hopefully it will get hot so we can do some swimming!!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Pictures are being posted tomorrow!
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