Monday, May 11, 2009


WOW! I can't believe how long it has been since my last post! Time sure flies by! We weeks have been so crazy that once the evening time rolls around and the girls are in bed, I am ready to crash!! So, let's get right to it. Time to recap!

The week of April 18th -- Going back a ways......
This was the week of the school Auction. It was a full week with lots going on but we made it and had a great time at the Auction. Our weekend was really busy, of course and there was some recovery time in there for a long week.

The last week of April --
Now with the Auction over with, it was onto the planning of the Church and School Picnic. I was in charge of the planning along with another mom. The picnic was May 9th and even though a lot of the planning was already done, we had a lot to do with finalizing everything. So this week was full of picnic stuff, softball practices, meetings, and then we were into the first of May!! Our weekend was over booked but so is every weekend between now and July.

Onto the first week of May --
The picnic was upon us and after a little stress about the weather everything fell into place. But this week was also full of lots of other things. The typical stuff, practice, games, meetings, and lots of other things. Our weekend was exhausting!! Saturday was taken up by the picnic and Sunday was suppose to be a day to recover. For the most part I enjoyed a quite day of relaxing.

Now here we are into the week of May 10th --
Hard to believe May is almost half way over. This week is going to be a week of recovering, re-grouping, and accomplishing things that have been put off for the last couple of weeks. And yes, I will stay on a more regular blogging schedule!!

Until next time, have a great week!!

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