Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Journey with a Foot Detox

Back in October, I decided it was really time to make some healthy changes in my life. I was a little overwhelmed with the amount of changes I wanted to make. Wait....time out, a lot of this info is being shared with everyone for the first time. I'm not a person who shares my thoughts on health and other "personal" issues. So some of this might come as a little bit of a surprise to hear some of this info...but anyway, here we go.

Let's rewind here back to October. I've been struggling with losing weight for a little while. I'd take some off and then put it back on. I'm not one who can spend an hour or so everyday in the gym working out. I've tried that before and I have a problem sticking with it. I'd do really well but then, you know, schedules and available time to go starts to become an issue. Walking in the evening seems to be an easier thing to work into my schedule but then the weather was changing and it was becoming cold out. Yes, many will say that this all sounds like an excuse and maybe it all is but with our crazy schedule, it is what it is.

Along with trying to add a weekly workout routine to my schedule, one of the big changes I wanted to really work on making was eating healthier and cleansing my body of unhealthy toxins. I had started to learn a lot about how different a woman's body is and how bad yeast, wheat, and other items are for most women. I started to change my eating habits, cut back on my portion sizes and was walking on the treadmill at least 4 days a week. But I still was not seeing any good solid weight loss.

Enter into the picture - the foot detox. My mom had started having one done once every other week. My mom has made a lot of changes to her eating habits and life style since being diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2001. She was very lucky and it was caught very early. She knows along with others who know my family well know that we have teased my mom over the years. We've called many of her things "hocus pocus" stuff. This whole foot detox thing seemed a little weird to me. I mean come on, how does it work? Somehow by soaking my feet in the tub, it's pulling toxins from my body and cleansing my organs. Sounds pretty strange and like a scam to me. But I let her talk me into going to one.

November 10th, 2008 - My first appointment for a foot detox. I'm thinking, there's no way this is really going to work. This is such a scam! I can't believe I'm going to do this. But let me tell you, boy was I WRONG!! This was the strangest experience I think I've ever had. Once I got there, they gave me a 1 liter bottle of water and told me to start drinking. So I did. Next I was shown where to sit and in this butterfly looking chair, I sat down and took off my socks and shoes. The lady giving these comes out with what I would call a foot bath tub. It looks like one of the home foot tubs that people have to soak their feet in. As I'm drinking my water she tells me to sit back, relax, and put my feet in. The water was warm and I'm thinking, "Ok, I'm going to at least sit back and relax for 45 minutes. I don't get to do that very often!" I bet my feet had been in the water 4 minutes and I hear, "Oh Honey! Your poor body!" I sat up and looked at the water...OMG! In 4 minutes it had changed to an ugly orange color and there were little black pieces floating. I asked "What in the world is that?" She started asking me a lot of different questions about my health, eating habits, and family medical history. Keep in mind, you do not fill out any medical history form and give any back ground about yourself. But let me tell you, just by watching my "tub" and the water, she was able to tell a lot about me, my health, and my body. It was quite scary. The detox continued and 40 minutes later my time was up. Looking down at the tub when I was taking my feet out, I thought, "OMG! This is weird!" I will say I drank all the water which helps your body release toxins. But what was the most strange, my body felt different. During the detox, my feet tingled, my lower back felt like I had someone pushing on it, I became cold since I was having a lot of blood cleansing, my stomach had a butterfly feeling to it. I didn't feel bad or sick but I did feel different and it's hard to describe just what that feeling is like.

So that was it. I was done so I put my socks and shoes on, thanked the lady and left. I was on my way home (a short trip from the store across from South County Mall) when I'm driving down Highway 55 getting ready to exit onto Butler Hill when it hit me! OMG!!!! I had to pee!! It was so strange cause all of a sudden I really had to go! Do I stop at the gas station or can I make 3 minutes until I get home? Gas Station bathroom? GROSS! No thanks, I'll wait 3 minutes. I'm driving down Kerth getting ready to turn into the subdivision and I'm starting to think "I might not make it!" At this point I had to pee so bad it was unbelieveable. I finally make it home after what seemed like forever and RAN into the house into the bathroom. I didn't even close the front door or bathroom door. Finally relief! I made it!!

The rest of my day was spent running in and out of the bathroom. I have never gone to the bathroom that much ever. I was suppose to continue drinking water throughout the day, which I did and it did not help my peeing problem. That night was a night of little sleep. I got up 5 times to pee during the night. It was like being 9 months pregnant all over again. Tuesday came along and I was still peeing more than normal but not as much. But boy did my body feel different. I still to this day have not figured out how to describe it. It didn't hurt, it was just different. I was also still cold. All afternoon, evening, and night Monday I was cold. I was told to expect that since I had a lot of blood cleansing.

My next appointment was scheduled for two weeks later on November 24th. This one was pretty similar to the first one but I had a lot more liver cleansing. The amount of information you are given during the detox is crazy. They tell you so much about what is going on with your body. I had learned from the first one not to schedule anything in the afternoon and evening on the days I have a detox done. The simple task of picking the girls up from school becomes a challenge to see if I can make it 30 minutes away from the bathroom without peeing in my pants. To this day, I have successfully made it! A few close calls, but no wet pants! :)

December was a month off! I was bummed about this but they wanted to take the month off because of the holidays. My next scheduled appointment was on January 13th and I was told to be prepared for a "good one" after the holidays. I'm thinking, "Man, my water has been pretty gross with the first two and I've had a lot of cleansing. It can't get much worse!" I was wrong!

January 13th comes and oh boy! This is by far the worst detox I had!! It was so gross that it got to the point where I stopped watching. The water was nasty and it was full of all kinds of "junk!" I was so surprised at how different each detox has been. This time, while it was by far the most gross looking one, I did not have to pee as much in the 24 hours afterwards but my body really felt this one. It may sound like I'm complaining but I'm really not. It's a good thing you feel it. And like I said, it doesn't hurt, it's just a different feeling your insides have, it's very strange.

I didn't get to do the one in February.....can't remember why but I missed it. So today, March 3rd was my next appointment. I had what they call a "good one." It's in a way clearing up which means my body is not storing the toxins like it was before. My water was still an orange color and I had black stuff floating but it by far was the "cleanest" looking one so far. Besides being tired, I feel really good after this one. I've peed often but not too much. It seems like my body has really adjusted to having the detox done. It that's possible. :)

This posting has turned into a REALLY long one. Who knows if anyone has decided to continue to read to this point. But I am going to call it quits for this posting and save more information for a posting tomorrow. But I will say at this point, I'd strongly encourage everyone to consider having a spa foot detox done. I'll be posting more information about these including the benefits, more about what they do, and more info about things I've changed over the last few months. I've also starting taking minerals and enzymes which I'll share more about later too. These Enzymes though....since I've started taking them, I've lost 10 pounds and I really haven't done much to increase my chances of losing weight.

Anyway, enough for now. Look for more information coming tomorrow! :)


Jennifer said...

Okay, where do you go and is it pricey :)


For Fun and Family said...

Ditto. I want to know too!
