Here's last weeks re-cap!
Where does time go? I can hardly believe that in two months Christmas will be over and we will be getting to ring in 2009! Life around the Fritsche house is getting busier and busier with each passing week. Last week was the perfect example. My days and nights all run together and with each passing day, there seems to become less time in the day to get things done. Monday was a full day at home to get somethings done along with the normal soccer practice in the evening. Tuesday was an in and out day of trying to get things done around the house and running a few errands. Hump day came and it too was full. Surprise, Surprise....right!?! I had a doctors appointment, errands to finish, and a dinner meeting. Around rolls Thursday and I'm ready for the weekend. Courtney had a Social Studies test which for whatever reason was having a hard time with. All of her other test this year have gone very well and she seems to pick up on everything quickly but this one she was struggling with. Much to my surprise she got a 90% on the test, only missing four questions. I was very proud of her!! Kayla had a field trip to a fire station. I didn't get to go but she had lots of stories to tell and seemed to have had a great time. That evening it was off to soccer practice again! Finally!! Friday is here! And it's High School Musical 3 day!! The big premier!! Unfortunately we didn't get to go Friday night but had tickets for first thing Saturday morning for the 10:30am show! The girls were very excited. Our Friday evening was full with running around and getting Halloween costumes finished. Saturday came and we were off to the movies. HSM3 I must say was very cute. We enjoyed it and the girls LOVED it!!! It was actually sad at the end, it's the last one.....they are now off to collage! Saturday evening we were off to a Trunk or Treat at my parents church. We had never taken the girls to one of these events but I have heard they are a lot of fun. Much to our surprise, we all had a blast. The girls loved going from car to car getting candy, and lots of GOOD candy I must say. There were other activities and food. The best part, everything was FREE!!! We decorated my dad's truck and called it the "Great Pumpkin Patch!" It all turned out really cute and I must say, given it was our first year doing it, I think we did a great job! I'll post some pictures soon. Sunday we had one soccer game and the Harvest Party at school. Which we all did not last long at. It had been a very busy week and weekend and come Sunday evening we were all very tired and ready for bed early!! :)
Here's the news for this week.....
Halloween week here we are. My posting comes a little late this week but the time to sit and post just hasn't been there. Sunday night I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough and went to bed. Monday was a full and a busy day. It started off at home with things to do and then turned into picking the girls up from school, getting flu shots, off to Courtney's soccer practice at 5:00pm and then I was off to our first Drivers meeting for Snow. (AAHHHH!! I can't believe we are thinking about snow already!!) Tuesday rolls around and I wrapped up somethings at home, had running to do, grab the girls, and it's off to our second drivers meeting for the night. The rest of week is shaping up to be just as crazy! Wednesday will be full with a lot to do, along with Kayla having practice in the evening. When Thursday is here....look out! we'll have a lot to do, after all Friday is Halloween!!! :) Kayla has a soccer game Thursday night and at some point between Wednesday and Thursday we have to get Courtney packed. She is off to the farm with my parents first thing Saturday morning for the youth hunt! Yep! It's this upcoming weekend. To wrap up our week Friday will be crazy busy around here, it's one of my favorite holidays!!! Courtney will be gone for the weekend. Kayla has soccer games on Saturday and Sunday along with a birthday party on Sunday. I'm sure by the time Sunday evening rolls around, I will be ready to crash again! But wait, here's the first week of November and the girls have a half of day on Monday and no school on Tuesday for Election Day. I can not believe what a crazy month November will be for us! Hold on tight, it's going to fly by!!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
FREE Home & Kids
Free 4 bedroom home, husband & kids.
1 senile cat and 3 parakeets.
Current CEO leaving due to general lack of consideration,no vacation time, and being unable to pee or shower in peace at least once a day. New management should enjoy piles of cruddy dishes, mounds of scuzzy laundry, teenage cat fights, toddler cat fights, pissy toilet seats, toilet seats left up, and empty toilet paper holders.
Must enjoy teenage boy's armpit and foot funk & filthy rooms as well as monthly PMS and death threats from a 13 year old girl who will also castrate/disembowel you in your sleep for various unknown offenses.
Must have wonderful people skills to deal with various DCF workers and school staff calling to ask why your child is claiming you beat and starve them,asking why your son arrived at school with no socks on,or why your 2 year old was running naked on the sidewalk with a swiffer mop.
Must love MTV and Nickelodeon.
Must not love beauty or fashion. Walmart clothes and a raggedy ponytail must suffice.
Must not love any money of any kind. After the bills, the children will gut you like a fish.
Must love old cats that get the runs all over house after being given a whole bowl of milk,which I can assure you will happen at least once a day (nobody will fess up).
Must love Rhinovirus and head lice. Especially Rhinovirus. Every week.
Applicants can just show up at the door after kissing their youth and sanity goodbye, as I did.
References not needed as you would be criminally insane to want this position. Strong background in zookeeping a plus. Prefer female,as there is a husband involved, but at this point I could care less. That's between you and him.
Leave me an email. I am currently driving, screaming maniacally down the road until I run out of gas. Then I will enter the witness protection program.
1 senile cat and 3 parakeets.
Current CEO leaving due to general lack of consideration,no vacation time, and being unable to pee or shower in peace at least once a day. New management should enjoy piles of cruddy dishes, mounds of scuzzy laundry, teenage cat fights, toddler cat fights, pissy toilet seats, toilet seats left up, and empty toilet paper holders.
Must enjoy teenage boy's armpit and foot funk & filthy rooms as well as monthly PMS and death threats from a 13 year old girl who will also castrate/disembowel you in your sleep for various unknown offenses.
Must have wonderful people skills to deal with various DCF workers and school staff calling to ask why your child is claiming you beat and starve them,asking why your son arrived at school with no socks on,or why your 2 year old was running naked on the sidewalk with a swiffer mop.
Must love MTV and Nickelodeon.
Must not love beauty or fashion. Walmart clothes and a raggedy ponytail must suffice.
Must not love any money of any kind. After the bills, the children will gut you like a fish.
Must love old cats that get the runs all over house after being given a whole bowl of milk,which I can assure you will happen at least once a day (nobody will fess up).
Must love Rhinovirus and head lice. Especially Rhinovirus. Every week.
Applicants can just show up at the door after kissing their youth and sanity goodbye, as I did.
References not needed as you would be criminally insane to want this position. Strong background in zookeeping a plus. Prefer female,as there is a husband involved, but at this point I could care less. That's between you and him.
Leave me an email. I am currently driving, screaming maniacally down the road until I run out of gas. Then I will enter the witness protection program.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Thursday Funny!
A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her.
She asks him why he is staring. He replies: 'I have a question to ask, but I don't want to offend you.'
She answers, ' My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.'
'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.'
She responds, 'Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic.'
The cab driver is very excited and says, 'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!'
'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.'
The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.
But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
'My dear child,' said the nun, 'Why are you crying?'
'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess; I'm married and I'm Jewish.'
The nun says, 'That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party.'
She asks him why he is staring. He replies: 'I have a question to ask, but I don't want to offend you.'
She answers, ' My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.'
'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.'
She responds, 'Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic.'
The cab driver is very excited and says, 'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!'
'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.'
The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.
But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
'My dear child,' said the nun, 'Why are you crying?'
'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess; I'm married and I'm Jewish.'
The nun says, 'That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party.'

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Courtney scored her first soccer goal with ASLS this past Sunday, October 19th. It was very exciting as she had a break away!! She was so happy!!! Here's a picture of her right as she got the ball and took off running!!!

Our busy week of Octber 20th!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
WOW! What a busy week. There was so much going on and I can't believe it's the middle of the October. Our week was full with the normal; soccer practices, homework, meetings, and everyday life! :) Our weekend was very full. Friday night we went to Powder Valley, they had a fall/Halloween thing going on. The girls loved it.....I'll say it was ok. But the girls had fun and that's all that matters. Saturday was the highlight of me week though. It was my 10 year High School Reunion. It was a blast!!! We had a family BBQ at a park at noon. It was a chance for everyone to bring their kids and "show them off!" My girls were more interested in running around and playing in the "woods" and on the playground but it was fun seeing everyone with their families. There were a lot of babies! Courtney was one of the oldest ones there and Kayla was pretty close behind. Saturday night came around and there was a party at Morgan Street on the Landing. There was a pretty good turn out but to my surprise not as many as I thought. But we had a blast!! It was great to see everyone and "catch" up with people I haven't seen in a while! Sunday was another full day of soccer games! It was highlighted with Courtney scoring her first goal with ASLS!! She was so excited!!!! I'll post a pic in another post. Even though they lost, 5-3, she was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day! Kayla's team did well but lost 3-0. There were a lot of VERY close calls but the silly ball couldn't seem to find the net! :(
Here's the news for this week.....
Well, here we are, a week before Halloween! Can you believe it?? I look at the calendar and wonder how it gets so full! We have of normal things on the calendar; soccer practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Courtney has a big Social Studies test and Kayla has a field trip on Thursday. And OMG!!! High School Musical 3 comes out on Friday!!!!! The girls can not wait to see it Friday night! Our weekend is another full one and will wrap up on Sunday with a soccer game for Courtney and the Fall Harvest Party at school. And then we will be into the last week of October and Halloween!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
WOW! What a busy week. There was so much going on and I can't believe it's the middle of the October. Our week was full with the normal; soccer practices, homework, meetings, and everyday life! :) Our weekend was very full. Friday night we went to Powder Valley, they had a fall/Halloween thing going on. The girls loved it.....I'll say it was ok. But the girls had fun and that's all that matters. Saturday was the highlight of me week though. It was my 10 year High School Reunion. It was a blast!!! We had a family BBQ at a park at noon. It was a chance for everyone to bring their kids and "show them off!" My girls were more interested in running around and playing in the "woods" and on the playground but it was fun seeing everyone with their families. There were a lot of babies! Courtney was one of the oldest ones there and Kayla was pretty close behind. Saturday night came around and there was a party at Morgan Street on the Landing. There was a pretty good turn out but to my surprise not as many as I thought. But we had a blast!! It was great to see everyone and "catch" up with people I haven't seen in a while! Sunday was another full day of soccer games! It was highlighted with Courtney scoring her first goal with ASLS!! She was so excited!!!! I'll post a pic in another post. Even though they lost, 5-3, she was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day! Kayla's team did well but lost 3-0. There were a lot of VERY close calls but the silly ball couldn't seem to find the net! :(
Here's the news for this week.....
Well, here we are, a week before Halloween! Can you believe it?? I look at the calendar and wonder how it gets so full! We have of normal things on the calendar; soccer practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Courtney has a big Social Studies test and Kayla has a field trip on Thursday. And OMG!!! High School Musical 3 comes out on Friday!!!!! The girls can not wait to see it Friday night! Our weekend is another full one and will wrap up on Sunday with a soccer game for Courtney and the Fall Harvest Party at school. And then we will be into the last week of October and Halloween!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
This list has been talked about a lot on the radio over the last couple of weeks here in St. Louis. So I thought I'd check it out and found it rather interesting. While I agree with most of the list, some of it was a little strange to me.
Here's the list;
#111 Pea Coats
#110 Frisbee Sports
#109 The Onion
#108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
#107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
#106 Facebook
#105 Unpaid Internships
#104 Girls with Bangs
#103 Sweaters
#102 Children’s Games as Adults
#101 Being Offended
#100 Bumper Stickers
#99 Grammar
#98 The Ivy League
#97 Scarves
#96 New Balance Shoes
#95 Rugby
#94 Free Healthcare
#93 Music Piracy
#92 Book Deals
#91 San Francisco
#90 Dinner Parties
#89 St. Patrick’s Day
#88 Having Gay Friends
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
#86 Shorts
#85 The Wire
#84 T-Shirts
#83 Bad Memories of High School
#82 Hating Corporations
#81 Graduate School
#80 The Idea of Soccer
#79 Modern Furniture
#78 Multilingual Children
#77 Musical Comedy
#76 Bottles of Water
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
#74 Oscar Parties
#73 Gentrification
#72 Study Abroad
#71 Being the only white person around
#70 Difficult Breakups
#69 Mos Def
#68 Michel Gondry
#67 Standing Still at Concerts
#66 Divorce
#65 Co-Ed Sports
#64 Recycling
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
#61 Bicycles
#60 Toyota Prius
#59 Natural Medicine
#58 Japan
#57 Juno
#56 Lawyers
#55 Apologies
#54 Kitchen Gadgets
#53 Dogs
#52 Sarah Silverman
#51 Living by the Water
#50 Irony
#49 Vintage
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
#47 Arts Degrees
#46 The Sunday New York Times
#45 Asian Fusion Food
#44 Public Radio
#43 Plays
#42 Sushi
#41 Indie Music
#40 Apple Products
#39 Netflix
#38 Arrested Development
#37 Renovations
#36 Breakfast Places
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
#34 Architecture
#33 Marijuana
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
#31 Snowboarding
#30 Wrigley Field
#29 80s Night
#28 Not having a TV
#27 Marathons
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
#25 David Sedaris
#24 Wine
#23 Microbreweries
#22 Having Two Last Names
#21 Writers Workshops
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
#19 Traveling
#18 Awareness
#17 Hating their Parents
#16 Gifted Children
#15 Yoga
#14 Having Black Friends
#13 Tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#11 Asian Girls
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#8 Barack Obama
#7 Diversity
#6 Organic Food
#5 Farmer’s Markets
#4 Assists
#3 Film Festivals
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
#1 Coffee
Here's the list;
#111 Pea Coats
#110 Frisbee Sports
#109 The Onion
#108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
#107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
#106 Facebook
#105 Unpaid Internships
#104 Girls with Bangs
#103 Sweaters
#102 Children’s Games as Adults
#101 Being Offended
#100 Bumper Stickers
#99 Grammar
#98 The Ivy League
#97 Scarves
#96 New Balance Shoes
#95 Rugby
#94 Free Healthcare
#93 Music Piracy
#92 Book Deals
#91 San Francisco
#90 Dinner Parties
#89 St. Patrick’s Day
#88 Having Gay Friends
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
#86 Shorts
#85 The Wire
#84 T-Shirts
#83 Bad Memories of High School
#82 Hating Corporations
#81 Graduate School
#80 The Idea of Soccer
#79 Modern Furniture
#78 Multilingual Children
#77 Musical Comedy
#76 Bottles of Water
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
#74 Oscar Parties
#73 Gentrification
#72 Study Abroad
#71 Being the only white person around
#70 Difficult Breakups
#69 Mos Def
#68 Michel Gondry
#67 Standing Still at Concerts
#66 Divorce
#65 Co-Ed Sports
#64 Recycling
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
#61 Bicycles
#60 Toyota Prius
#59 Natural Medicine
#58 Japan
#57 Juno
#56 Lawyers
#55 Apologies
#54 Kitchen Gadgets
#53 Dogs
#52 Sarah Silverman
#51 Living by the Water
#50 Irony
#49 Vintage
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
#47 Arts Degrees
#46 The Sunday New York Times
#45 Asian Fusion Food
#44 Public Radio
#43 Plays
#42 Sushi
#41 Indie Music
#40 Apple Products
#39 Netflix
#38 Arrested Development
#37 Renovations
#36 Breakfast Places
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
#34 Architecture
#33 Marijuana
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
#31 Snowboarding
#30 Wrigley Field
#29 80s Night
#28 Not having a TV
#27 Marathons
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
#25 David Sedaris
#24 Wine
#23 Microbreweries
#22 Having Two Last Names
#21 Writers Workshops
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
#19 Traveling
#18 Awareness
#17 Hating their Parents
#16 Gifted Children
#15 Yoga
#14 Having Black Friends
#13 Tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#11 Asian Girls
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#8 Barack Obama
#7 Diversity
#6 Organic Food
#5 Farmer’s Markets
#4 Assists
#3 Film Festivals
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
#1 Coffee
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Something to think about....
Think about it.....
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Life - The week of October 13th!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
Well, we completed the first week of October and Dave's first week at AT&T. I'm happy to report Dave's first week went very well with the exception of having to drive 270 rush hour traffic everyday. But only last week and next week. This week he does not have to go that direction for his training. Our week was a typical one around here, full of things to do, soccer practices, homework, and meetings. Nothing too exciting to report. The girls were off school on Friday and were lucky to spend the day with Aunt Lisa. They went to the movies and saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua. They said it was super funny and really good. My aunt even enjoyed it. Friday night Courtney had a 8:40pm soccer game!! It was a great game and they won! The girls all played so well. Saturday was a full day. We went to a Fall Festival out in Wright City. Once we got out there after some morning running around, we had a great time. There was a lot to do and the girls had a blast. Sunday was full again! The girls went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens in the morning to see the Niki Sculptures which they LOVED! And then it was off to soccer games. Courtney's was at 2:20pm and Kayla's was at 3:40pm. Unfortunately they both lost their games. But in Kayla's words "I tried my best and that's all I could do. I played the whole game mommy!" :) Gotta love her! Oh....and I'm very excited to say, the adoption hearing on Thursday for my Aunt & Uncle in Dallas went fine!!! So it's official, little Grace is all theirs! We are very excited for them!
Here's the news for this week.....
It's the middle of October already!!! Where has time gone? It's hard to believe Christmas is a little over 2 months away! This week is the same as any other week......FULL! Monday is meetings and soccer practice. Tuesday rolls around with a field trip for both of the girls. Wednesday is pick Grandma up from the airport and a dinner meeting. Thursday will be a lunch meeting and soccer practice. And once Friday comes....look out! It's a busy upcoming 3 days! Friday night we are off to Grants Farm for some Halloween fun! Saturday is my 10 year High School Reunion so there's a Lunch Family BBQ and adult fun in the evening at Morgan Street. Should be a fun day! Sunday, games! And then it's Monday again!! Always good times!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
Well, we completed the first week of October and Dave's first week at AT&T. I'm happy to report Dave's first week went very well with the exception of having to drive 270 rush hour traffic everyday. But only last week and next week. This week he does not have to go that direction for his training. Our week was a typical one around here, full of things to do, soccer practices, homework, and meetings. Nothing too exciting to report. The girls were off school on Friday and were lucky to spend the day with Aunt Lisa. They went to the movies and saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua. They said it was super funny and really good. My aunt even enjoyed it. Friday night Courtney had a 8:40pm soccer game!! It was a great game and they won! The girls all played so well. Saturday was a full day. We went to a Fall Festival out in Wright City. Once we got out there after some morning running around, we had a great time. There was a lot to do and the girls had a blast. Sunday was full again! The girls went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens in the morning to see the Niki Sculptures which they LOVED! And then it was off to soccer games. Courtney's was at 2:20pm and Kayla's was at 3:40pm. Unfortunately they both lost their games. But in Kayla's words "I tried my best and that's all I could do. I played the whole game mommy!" :) Gotta love her! Oh....and I'm very excited to say, the adoption hearing on Thursday for my Aunt & Uncle in Dallas went fine!!! So it's official, little Grace is all theirs! We are very excited for them!
Here's the news for this week.....
It's the middle of October already!!! Where has time gone? It's hard to believe Christmas is a little over 2 months away! This week is the same as any other week......FULL! Monday is meetings and soccer practice. Tuesday rolls around with a field trip for both of the girls. Wednesday is pick Grandma up from the airport and a dinner meeting. Thursday will be a lunch meeting and soccer practice. And once Friday comes....look out! It's a busy upcoming 3 days! Friday night we are off to Grants Farm for some Halloween fun! Saturday is my 10 year High School Reunion so there's a Lunch Family BBQ and adult fun in the evening at Morgan Street. Should be a fun day! Sunday, games! And then it's Monday again!! Always good times!! :)
Until next week, have a great week!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
CrAzY! - Our week of October 6th!
Here's last weeks re-cap!
Let's see here....what was last week?!? Oh, that's right......another busy week! Surprise! Surprise! Monday there was a lunch "date" for me with a friend from high school. It was nice to get together and do a little catching up with each other. Courtney had soccer practice that evening....another evening spent walking the track for an hour. I must say though, it is nice to walk to track for an hour while the girls at are practice. Makes me feel like I'm not wasting my hour and not doing anything. Tuesday was hammering out Boutique things, wash, and other things to do on my list. Wednesday - hump day! Still hammering away on my list and the girls had a Birthday party at Bounce U in the evening. Thursday it was pack the girls for the farm. They were heading out for the weekend with my parents. The evening was full with soccer practice and a picnic planning meeting. Friday finally came after what seemed like a long week but at the same time, went back quick because I didn't get everything I needed to get done, done! But the girls were off to the farm for the weekend! Dave and I enjoyed a pretty quite but busy weekend.
Here's the news for this week.....
So here we are, our first full week of October! I can't believe it! It's yet another busy week for the Fritsche's. The big exciting news of the week would be Dave starting a NEW job!! Monday he started with AT&T. He has about 3 weeks of training ahead of him but he's very excited and looking forward to working there. He will continue to work on some Real Estate but with the way the market is and looks like it will be for a while, a (hopefully) temporary change needed to be made. He will be selling cell phones, so if your are in the market for Dave!! ;) The other big news for this week is the adoption hearing for little Miss Grace is on Thursday. For those of you who don't know, my Aunt and Uncle (who live in Dallas) are adopting Grace who turned 1 in August. She's been in foster care since she was born and my Aunt and Uncle have had her since she was 2 or 3 weeks old. She is such a cute little girl and they are VERY excited! I pray everything goes well for them on Thursday. My Grandma is flying down on Wednesday to be there with them. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers! Our weekend is going to be busy! We have soccer games Friday and Sunday, a Fall Festival on Saturday, and several other things to do.
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Let's see here....what was last week?!? Oh, that's right......another busy week! Surprise! Surprise! Monday there was a lunch "date" for me with a friend from high school. It was nice to get together and do a little catching up with each other. Courtney had soccer practice that evening....another evening spent walking the track for an hour. I must say though, it is nice to walk to track for an hour while the girls at are practice. Makes me feel like I'm not wasting my hour and not doing anything. Tuesday was hammering out Boutique things, wash, and other things to do on my list. Wednesday - hump day! Still hammering away on my list and the girls had a Birthday party at Bounce U in the evening. Thursday it was pack the girls for the farm. They were heading out for the weekend with my parents. The evening was full with soccer practice and a picnic planning meeting. Friday finally came after what seemed like a long week but at the same time, went back quick because I didn't get everything I needed to get done, done! But the girls were off to the farm for the weekend! Dave and I enjoyed a pretty quite but busy weekend.
Here's the news for this week.....
So here we are, our first full week of October! I can't believe it! It's yet another busy week for the Fritsche's. The big exciting news of the week would be Dave starting a NEW job!! Monday he started with AT&T. He has about 3 weeks of training ahead of him but he's very excited and looking forward to working there. He will continue to work on some Real Estate but with the way the market is and looks like it will be for a while, a (hopefully) temporary change needed to be made. He will be selling cell phones, so if your are in the market for Dave!! ;) The other big news for this week is the adoption hearing for little Miss Grace is on Thursday. For those of you who don't know, my Aunt and Uncle (who live in Dallas) are adopting Grace who turned 1 in August. She's been in foster care since she was born and my Aunt and Uncle have had her since she was 2 or 3 weeks old. She is such a cute little girl and they are VERY excited! I pray everything goes well for them on Thursday. My Grandma is flying down on Wednesday to be there with them. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers! Our weekend is going to be busy! We have soccer games Friday and Sunday, a Fall Festival on Saturday, and several other things to do.
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!!
Until next week, have a great week!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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